Blackthorn Hill Nature Preserve

Welcome to Western Illinois Nature Group and

Blackthorn Hill Nature Preserve 

Located at 1590 Angling Road, Hwy 4, Alexis, IL  61412

Open Dawn to Dusk Daily and by Reservation

mailing address WING, c/o L Wright, 1678 Oriole Drive, Galesburg, IL  61401

Contact us by email:  

Western Illinois Nature Group was created to find and purchase a forested property in west central Illinois to accomplish our goals. We seek the financial support and encouragement of area communities and organizations, as well as the dedication of our membership, to preserve a beautifully wooded area for enjoyment well beyond this century. The generosity of corporate and private foundations and local businesses is essential. 


Our next Quarterly Board Meeting is Dec. 19 6pm at the Knights of Columbus, Freeman Room at 1556 E. Fremont, Galesburg, IL.

Watch our website and Facebook Page (not the Facebook Group) for information on upcoming events.

Illinois Recreational Access Program (IRAP)

During the month of October and December 16-31 annually, all trails will be closed.  

If someone is parked in the IRAP parking space in the parking lot, an archery deer hunter is on the property hunting.  This pays our bills.  Please be safe and respectful.  Wear bright colored clothing, limit your visit to the parking lot area, and stay quiet please.  Only IRAP authorized hunters are allowed to hunt on this property and only according to IRAP rules and regulations.  Violators will be turned in to the authorities. 

WING's partnership with IRAP pays our bills while maintaining the health of our deer and turkey populations.  We have entered into this agreement for good stewardship of the land.  Planting diversity in our woods and prairie also helps to feed these and other wildlife.

Click on IRAP on the left menu  here, or check out their website to learn more. 

Our Membership year is April 1-March 30

Renewing your membership to WING's Blackthorn Hill has never been easier and your donation can go further!  Membership is a minimum of $30 per family.  Use the Donate button above to become a member or renew membership. You can also renew by mailing a check to WING, c/o L Wright, 1678 Oriole Drive, Galesburg, IL  61401.  Pay your renewal or new membership through Birdies for Charity and WING gets a 5% bonus!  See below.

Birdies for Charity-Pledge now to support Western Illinois Nature Group-Blackthorn Hill Nature Preserve.  Use Bird# 751. Donate - Birdies for Charity  

“As a disabled veteran it can at times be difficult finding time to access hunting opportunities on privately controlled lands. Thanks to the IRAP, I was able to harvest a whitetail doe while spending some much needed time outdoors.” ~2023 Archery Deer Hunter

Legacy information

Consider leaving a bequest to Western Illinois Nature Group (WING) which owns and operates Blackthorn Hill Nature Preserve to keep this local jewel thriving for future generations.  Find out more here:

and here:

 Email us at .

Water: We bleach and test the water in our well monthly, but it is sulpherous and it is best to bring your own water.